
10/22: Group Presentations

You’re leading class today! I’ll give you time in each of your groups to reconvene about presenting your assigned reading(s) to the class. As a reminder, you should summarize the reading(s) you’ve been assigned, identifying the author’s/authors’ main claim(s), any controversies they bring up, and important takeaways of the reading(s). I encourage you to choose relevant quotations as evidence in your presentation.

  • Group A-Jenna, Tyler, Willian: Read Deborah Brandt’s excerpt from her book The Rise of Writing. This excerpt explores ghostwriting, paid writing that an author does (or multiple authors do) that will ultimately be attributed to a different author or organization.
  • Group B-Arman, Ishtiaque, Ivan, Nicolas, Omar: Read Andrew Marantz’s and Aímee Morrison’s articles about writing with artificial intelligence.
  • Group C-Andy, Beatriz, Ellen, Francesca, George, Kaz, Robert, Yianna: Read Julie Beck’s and Erik Ofgang’s articles about collaboratively writing with other people around a common interest.

Individual Writing

Take a few minutes to reflect on how this recent collaboration worked. How would you describe the goals of your group work for today’s class? How did your group structure work or divide labor to fulfill your goals? What did you do together? What did you do on your own? Looking back on how today’s presentation went, what did you learn about collaboration? What might you repeat when asked to collaborate again? What might you do differently?

SAVE THIS WRITING! You’ll come back to it next class.


READ Chapters 2 & 5 of Team Writing (on BrightSpace) for next class.