10/31: Project Management Day
Today’s goals move between collaborative work and individual work. I’m happy to structure class time so I direct what you’re doing or to allow you to move organically between the collaborative and individual. We can decide together how to move forward.
Your work for the next two weeks is to complete your Collaborative History Project. Based on the feedback you gave me after last class, I’ve assigned your groups as follows:
- Ellen, Francesca, Omar
- George, Nicolas, Wendy, Yuantong
- Jenna, Willian, Yianna
- Arman, Tyler, Ivan
- Andy, Beatriz, Gabriela
- Kaz, Ishtiaque, Robert
Once you’re in your groups, access Team Writing from BrightSpace. As per the advice in this reading, you will assign a project manager and create a straw document. (You will develop a task schedule next week.)
As you work in your groups, you should also take time to revise BP3. Your revision will be a new blog post, BP4. This means you may want to copy BP3 into a new post before working on it, OR some of you may be starting over if you’d like to write about a different collaborative experience in your past.
WRITE BP4: this should be a revision of BP3. I recommend that you continue to cite Bruffee in this revision of your collaborative learning history. You will end your blog post by indicating who your group’s project manager is and linking to your group’s straw document.