• Major Projects

    12/10: Peer Review

    We’ll return to Inayatulla’s and Rainey’s autoethnographies today to look closely at their introductions. Together, we’ll make a list on the white board of what works well and what doesn’t work well in each introduction. Peer Review I’ll hand out a two-part peer review sheet to complete in class. You will only get credit for this if you are IN CLASS TODAY! HOMEWORK Continue working on your Autoethnographic Essay. We’ll do a read-around next class, where each author reads an excerpt (no more than one paragraph) of their text out loud. We’ll also go over the rubric together and assign your About page. The FINAL autoethnography is due on December 17th…

  • Major Projects

    12/5: Writing Workshop – Using Evidence

    We will be working with two handouts I distribute in class today to identify the evidence you will use in your autoethnographic essay. HOMEWORK Continue working on your Autoethnographic Essay. Come to next class with a “shitty draft” of your autoethnographic essay. I ask that you bring to class at least 3 paragraphs, but the more the better! REMINDER Writing Center = EXTRA CREDIT You can receive 5 points extra credit (that’s the equivalent of a blog post OR 5 missed class points!) AND get support towards your final Autoethnographic Essay if you make an appointment with the QC Writing Center. Here’s how to receive support and earn these points:

  • Posts

    12/3: Building Character in your Autoethnographic Essays

    As you compose your Autoethnographic Essay, you will inevitably introduce characters–or individuals with whom you’ve interacted–that shaped you in some way. Today, we’ll look at three examples of how published authors have built characters in their writing in an effort to help you make progress on your own autoethnographic narratives. Building Character If you’ve started drafting your autoethnographic essay, access that writing. If you haven’t started drafting, pull up a blank document or take out a piece of paper. You might also want to pull up this list of qualities of autoethnographic essays and scroll to the last two pages where you already brainstormed possible topics. Take a minute to…

  • Major Projects

    11/26: Coding Data towards Autoethnography

    Last week, you worked to develop your own resource for this assignment in this list of qualities of autoethnographic essays and possible topics. The final defining quality of autoethnographic essays that we will introduce today is the use of qualitative data. According to Jackson and Grutsch McKinney, “the author uses an inductive, qualitative approach for project design, data collection, and analysis” (11). Qualitative data is narrative – it is data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences – and authors we’ve read have used qualitative data in their autoethnographies. (Think of Inayatulla’s use of her own journals, diaries, and course notes.) For our purposes, you will use your peers’ writing…

  • Major Projects

    11/21: Brainstorming Your Autoethnographic Essay

    The rest of this semester is dedicated to supporting you in writing your final project. Small Group Work As a way of imagining possibilities for your own autoethnographic essay, you will consider the three essays we’ve read as models. In small groups, fill in this chart that asks you to identify the signifying qualities of autoethnographic essays. Large Group Work We will come back as a group to list possible topics in the same document. I also have some questions for you about how best to proceed with this assignment. HOMEWORK READ chapter 5 of Kathy Charmaz’s text Constructing Grounded Theory available on BrightSpace. This reading is intended to prepare…

  • Posts

    11/19: Models of Autoethnographic Writing

    Today, we’ll look at Tiffany Rainey’s autoethnography “Her Own Voice: Coming Out in Academia with Bipolar Disorder.” CONTENT ALERT: This text mentions suicidal ideation. Individual Writing Rainey writes about her experience with bipolar disorder, how her symptoms manifested and made her feel, hiding her mental health struggle, and the process of ultimately understanding her diagnosis. Access Rainey’s text and the in-class writing you started last time. Write in response to the following: Sharing as a Large Group Pick one sentence of your in-class writing to share with the whole class. After our round-robin style sharing, we’ll revisit our collaborative definition of autoethnography. How do Inayatulla’s and Rainey’s texts fit our definition?…

  • Posts

    11/14: Building Our Definition of Autoethnography

    Today, we’ll continue to look at Inayatulla’s autoethnography “Literate Vixens and Shameless Hijabis” in an effort to build our collaborative definition of autoethnography. I want to start with George’s question from Tuesday about race, specifically considering what is Inayatulla doing with the image of the ape that reoccurs throughout this piece. Alongside Inayatulla’s essay, please have Jackson & Grutsch McKinney’s “Critical Introduction” pulled up on your device and opened to page 11. After we do some close reading as a large group, you will pick a paragraph (either on page 50-51 or 55) that we quickly looked at together and write in response to the following questions: Hold on to…

  • Posts

    11/12: Rubric Review & Introducing Autoethnography

    Rubric Review for Collaborative History Project Your Collaborative History Project is due in class today. Take some time in your groups to review your projects using the rubric. How long will your group need to complete any final revisions? Introducing Autoethnography We’ll take some time today to look at an example of the next genre we’ll be studying and eventually writing: autoethnography. What do you notice about the word “autoethnography”? What do you think it means based on what we know about language in general? Together, we will read the first two pages of Dr. Shareen Inayatulla’s chapter “Literate Vixens and Shameless Hijabis: An Automythnography.” Based on this reading, we…